What is Business Analysis?

Business Analysis

Business Analysis is the process of taking a business, examining it thoroughly to identify the underlying issues, and creating strategies to cater to them. Once the root cause of the problem is determined, a team of business analysts discusses the possible solutions. These solutions can range from the introduction of new software to complete change in the organizational hierarchy of the company. A business analyst’s job description is to bring about reforms that will positively impact the client’s company. With the help of modern business analysis tools, an analyst is able to predict and present the technical faults in an organization’s supply chain. For startups and small businesses, it is vital to conduct business analysis to keep up with their competitors and create a foothold in the market.

As there are rapid innovations in technology, every business must keep up to date on the evolving infrastructures that could benefit them. This is where Leed Software Development steps in. Leed utilizes the business analysis techniques in three steps. These are as follows:


The analysts study and explore every management structure of the company, the relationship of the company with its clients, and the effect of these structures on client loyalty. The study reveals the current standing of the company and highlights the issues the company faces with retaining its clients. Leed focuses on the IT development company and the gaps in knowledge that can be filled using modern technologies.


Once a business analysis report has been formulated, the discussions can begin. This involves understanding the objectives the company is trying to achieve and making them the top priority of every task from there on out. This phase involves exploring the competition, separating the useless components, and managing resource allocation. A plan of action is devised that can bring about structural reforms to benefit the company in the short or in the long term as preferred by the stakeholders. Leed helps in identifying emerging technology that can benefit the business and cause a noticeable bump in the revenue generated by the company.


Once the plans have been finalized and approved, Leed starts working on the development of the software solutions the company requires. With fast-paced developers, a prototype solution is ready almost as soon as the idea is set in place. The client company is kept in the loop throughout the development process and changes are made accordingly. When the system is finally deployed, Leed provides constant support in the migrating process and 24/7 IT support for its products.

Mastering business analysis is no easy feat, but with the time and effort spent analyzing a large pool of companies, the analysts at Leed are capable of understanding core business issues and deriving a list of possible solutions. If you are interested in improving your business with modern technological innovations, fill out the form below and let us know how we can help you.

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