Next Js vs React: Difference & Which Framwork to Choose 

next js vs react

Welcome to the exciting world of front-end development! If you desire perfect user experiences and optimal website performance, Next js vs React is best for you. 

React, an widely popular library, forms the backbone for Next.js can take your coding adventures to new heights. In this article, we explore their differences, unearthing their offerings and synergies; before going deeper into each one individually. Let’s start off with understanding libraries and frameworks and their importance before diving in deeper.

Ready for an incredible journey of discovery? Together we will explore not only Next.js components but also React Native’s differences from React. 

Library VS Framework

Library vs Framework, both terminologies are often confused. But they are different. The difference will help us better understand the concept of next js vs react. So, let’s discuss the differences between these.


A library is defined as a group of pre written code that can make the job of a developer easier. Because of this the developers don’t have to write the codes again to achieve specific features. Although many languages have their own standard libraries, developers can also customize their own.


The following points will give you an overview of the benefits of a library:

  • Provides specific functionalities
  • Lower learning curve 
  • Allows greater customization
  • Increases efficiency  


Frameworks are basically programs that provide the blueprint instead of the final product. Basically the codes of a framework are not completed. The purpose of a framework is to define the workflow of a software application. This helps the developer to have an idea about the whole application. The difference will let you understand the next js vs react easily.


Well let’s have a short overview of the benefits of framework as well:

  • Improved security
  • Easy debugging and apps monitoring
  • Enables reuse of code
  • Can reduce code length
  • Simplify database connectivity

Now the question is what is the next js and is react a framework or library? Well we will discuss it in detail in the below paras. To know the difference between  next js vs react, firstly you need to know what is react js and 

What Is React?

React is a UI library that has been created by Meta that helps build reactive apps. It’s a free JavaScript tool used for making web applications. React allows you to decide the workflow as it is declarative. This helps the developers control the workflow of any software application.

With React developers can create pieces that make it easy to manage and change how a website looks. It also uses client side rendering (CSR). It has become one of the most used and well known front end libraries that is being used for building large web applications. React latest version is React 18 which was released in March 2022.

Features Of React

For your better understanding of react apps, the features have been explained. This will help you grasp the concept of react.

Component Based Architecture

With React developers can create reusable building blocks called components. You can say that everything in React is a component, that is basically like lego pieces. These components can be used in different parts of the application. With the help of this, developers don’t have to write the code from scratch. The multiple components help make simple user interfaces. Although each of these components can have their own logic.

Virtual DOM

Now let’s talk about the virtual DOM. It’s like a copy of the original DOM that the browser uses. This helps in updating the user interface faster. The virtual DOM creates a lightweight copy of the UI in memory. With this, it is easy to compare changes and the virtual DOM updates only what’s needed. If the two virtual DOMs are identical, the actual DOM remains untouched. This approach enhances the overall performance and efficiency of updating web pages.

One Way Data Binding

To understand the difference between next js vs react you need to understand the features as well. One of which is One Way Data Binding. React js frameworks allow one way flow of data. The connection flow that happens between the data displayed and the logic component is known as data binding in React.js. One Way Data Binding means that the data flows from parent to child only. This is less complex than two way data binding. The data is passed  by the read-only prop.


React uses a special syntax that is called JSX. It looks like a mix of JavaScript and HTML. Jsx basically stands for Javascript XML. It’s designed to be more readable and increase user experience. JSX helps developers understand how the user interface is structured. The extension is basically used to create React applications and elements. With the help of JSX the only thing you need to do is write the HTML you are most familiar with.

Advantages & Disadvantages Of React

Let’s discuss the pros and cons of React

Advantages Of React

In the comparison between next js vs react, first i’ll will explain the pros of React:

  • Provides Simplified Scripting.
  • Faster rendering is possible due to virtual DOM.
  • Stable Code Structure.
  • Performance enhancement 
  • Search engine optimization enabled.
  • Provides handy developer tools.
  • Reactjs is easy to learn and use.

Disadvantages Of React

Along with advantages React also has some disadvantages which are as follows:

  • Difficult to manage the latest improvements.
  • Complex documentation is also an issue
  • React component makes React re-render unnecessarily
  • Although it has numerous third-party libraries and tools, choosing the right one can be difficult. 

React Native vs React js

To further explain the concept of next js vs react ill now explain React Native vs React js. The reason is that you need to know everything about react framework first. Only then you can understand the next js vs react.

FeatureReact NativeReact.js 
PlatformUsed for building mobile appUsed for building web apps
User InterfaceNative componentsHTML and custom components
DOM ManipulationNo direct DOM manipulationDirect DOM manipulation
Development SpeedRapid development for mobile appSRapid web development for web apps
Development LanguageJavascriptJavascript
Community SupportGrowing community, active developmentLarge and active community
Third-Party LibrariesReact Native-specific librariesReact-specific libraries
Access to Device APIsDirect access to device featuresLimited access to device APIs

What Is Next Js?

Next Js is a framework that is built on top of the React. It is an open source framework that was created by the team at Vercel. Now that we have discussed react the next thing to discuss is Next Js to understand the difference between next js vs react.

It offers tools that make it easier to create React applications that can be rendered on the server-side. If you want to build modern and scalable web applications then Next.Js offers features that can be a good option for you.

Features of Next.js

Now let me explain the features of Next.js that will help you understand next js vs react.

Server-Side Rendering (SSR)

Server-Side Rendering (SSR) means that Next.js can create the web pages on the server and then send them to the user’s device. SSR is done by generating non-interactive HTML. This has several benefits, such as improving Search engine optimization and providing a smoother user experience. It also helps speed up the initial load time of pages,

File System Routing

Nextjs is a javascript framework that helps in creating routes for the web application easily. When a file is added to the page’s directory, the file is automatically available as a route. Due to this it is easy to create complex web apps. In Next.js, you can easily control the order in which your web pages are shown and how they appear on mobile devices. This allows to create a smooth and user-friendly experience for both desktop and mobile users.

Code Splitting 

As with time the Next js application grows bigger the third party libraries, CSS and javascript files also increase in size. To explain next js vs react let me explain code splitting.

Code splitting is basically dividing the codes into chunks so that the code can be loaded on demand. Because of this the amount of code sent to the browser during the initial load can be reduced. Instead of downloading a large amount of files, the code is split into smaller chunks.

Static Site Generation

Static Site Generation (SSG) is another fantastic feature of Next.js. It allows the development of static HTML files for pages during the build process. These pre-built HTML files can be directly served to users without requiring additional server-side processing. This approach enhances the website’s performance and makes it more scalable to handle a large number of users.

Advantages & Disadvantages Of Next Js

Till now you might have an idea about next js vs react. I will further explain it properly but before that let me give you an overview of the advantages and disadvantages of Next Js.

Advantages Of Next Js

The advantages of Next Js are follows:

  • Supports Static site generation (SSG) and Server side rendering (SSR). 
  • Provides dynamic routing to create pages with variable paths.
  • In Next Js most features are inbuilt so they come with zero configuration
  • Provides built-in CSS support which means developers can include CSS Stylesheets. 

Disadvantages Of Next Js

The disadvantages of Next Js are follows:

  • It requires a significant amount of resources and upfront investment. So for this you need a large amount of resources.
  • Does not have a large user community as compared to other frameworks.
  • Because of the routing system pages become heavier and more difficult to maintain.
  • Next js forces the developers to use it without configuring it.

Next js vs React

After a detailed discussion between the two, their features and benefits, now let me explain the main differences in table form.

Framework TypeFull-fledged frameworkJavaScript library for building UI
Static Site GenerationBuilt-in support for generating static sitesRequires additional setup
SEO OptimizationAutomatic handling of meta tags and SEO-relatedRequires manual implementation
Configuration Almost everything is configurable Strict 
Code SplittingAutomatic code splittingRequires manual implementation
Cross Platform ApplicationsMainly made for webBased on react Js library
Data FetchingSupports server-side data fetchingRequires manual implementation
Server Side RenderingBuilt-in supportRequires additional setup
Documentation Well WrittenWell Written
Offline SupportYes Yes 

Which Is Better Next.js vs React?

When deciding whether to use next js vs react you need to consider the needs and requirements of your project. If a developer is working on large scale applications then react is a better option. However, Next js also offers many features for specific types of projects. Like if the developer is building a static site that doesn’t require complex routing then Next js is better. So if you want to choose between Next js vs React, the answer depends on requirements.

What Should I Learn?

The most commonly asked question is what should Iearn Next js vs React? Well to answer this question I have tried to give you a clear picture of both. Developers often learn any language framework or library without knowing about it. But its better if you just know about the details. This will help you understand which one is better for you. 


React and Next.js are two powerful duos in front-end development, creating perfect user experiences while improving website performance. React is widely-applauded while Next.js elevates coding endeavors. Uncovering the differences between libraries and frameworks enriches our journey.

Explore Next.js components, dissect React Native’s variance, and recognize one-way data binding/JSX binding features of React. Make an intelligent choice between Next.js and React, tailoring it according to your project needs; passion for creating remarkable digital experiences that resonate. Trust your instincts on this voyage of discovery as you follow your vision! 

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