
Cloud Transformation - Leeddev

Building a Virtual Fortress Through Cloud Transformation

The introduction of cloud infrastructures has greatly improved the storage capabilities and information security of firms. This technology is new and basically limitless considering you have the required number of servers to create your digital transformation cloud. The process begins by selecting the cloud platform that can best support the company’s work load and then

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How and when will 5G Affect the Global Economy?

5.0 technology is driving economic growth, resiliency, and sustainability. Perseverance in technological innovation contributes to a timely economic recovery and will continue to drive prosperity in the current era of this evolution. 5.0 technology advanced people to connect with information and connect people to the globe. IHS analysis shows the integral role 5G will take

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Business Analysis

What is Business Analysis?

Business Analysis is the process of taking a business, examining it thoroughly to identify the underlying issues, and creating strategies to cater to them. Once the root cause of the problem is determined, a team of business analysts discusses the possible solutions. These solutions can range from the introduction of new software to complete change

What is Business Analysis? Read More »

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